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Swapsity Blog

Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Swapping Adventures Part 3 by Emmanuel Lopez First, I want to thank everyone who read the last post, recognized the courage it took to be so open and extended heartfelt support for my needs. It was frightening and yet I felt it was worth it, just in reading the messages from others...

Read Part 1 Swapping Adventures Part 2 by Emmanuel Lopez Have you ever felt hopeless in difficult times, like a financial crisis or an unexpected life change? I’ve been through so many of these challenges that I’ve amassed an abundance of solutions for staying positive, and I use them to...

Swapping Adventures Part 1 by Emmanuel Lopez If you are going through difficult times in your life or career right now, remember not to let a lack of money get in the way of the help you need. This is my story about swapping, and I hope it inspires you if you are feeling stuck. A few years ago I claimed...

Our Eco-Swap at the Green Living Show was another triumph! The Swap Zone was a real crowd magnet and the energy was just electric. In three days at the show, we saw 5,669 items dropped off, 4,762 of which were swapped for swapper savings of over $38,000. That’s almost double our numbers from last...

Spring has sprung and so has the requisite cleaning and de-cluttering season. While some of us love to de-clutter, others have a hard time parting with even the most unnecessary stuff. We were curious about the state of clutter in a typical North American home and here’s what we found out: 80%...

Barter Beyond Borders

Feb 8th 2013, 12:59, by Swapsity

By Lucile Baker I am the third generation of my family to be born and raised in a small city in the south of France. It was a non-consumerist society where it was normal to ask and borrow instead of buy what we needed. This was also how we connected socially with the people around us. Things would be...

By Shannon Simmons A couple of weeks ago, I met six urban women at a friend’s apartment for a clothing swap. My wardrobe needed a little sprucing up, and I was trying to reduce my consumption to keep money off my credit card – especially during the holiday season – so when I got the...

Happy Holidays from Swapsity

Dec 23rd 2012, 01:10, by Swapsity

by Marta Nowinska   There’s something magical about the holiday season. Maybe it’s the heart-warming company of family and friends, divinely delicious food or the widespread spirit of giving that makes it so. Needless to say, the season has a way of putting me in high spirits, and leaves...

Buy Nothing, Swap Something Day!

Nov 20th 2012, 16:25, by Swapsity

Back for another year, Swapsity puts a swap-centric twist on Buy Nothing Day with Buy Nothing, Swap Something Day on November 22. Take a vacation from shopping and step into the world of swapping! We’ll celebrate by screening the documentary "Living Without Money", creating conversation around...

Swapping in the Name of Safety

Nov 7th 2012, 02:12, by Swapsity

By Meka Jones In January of this year, I ran two First Aid courses, completely on barter.  I regularly teach this course to workplace groups, where the students are reluctant - and grumpy - so I was curious to know who would take the course voluntarily. I was also curious what kinds of swaps I might...

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