Spring has sprung and so has the requisite cleaning and de-cluttering season. While some of us love to de-clutter, others have a hard time parting with even the most unnecessary stuff. We were curious about the state of clutter in a typical North American home and here’s what we found out: 80%...
A home is an unexplored treasure trove of things—spaces full of with clothes, books or outgrown toys. It may be a collection of stuff you no longer need but these items could be perfect for someone else. Give new life to your clutter with a swap party! Hosting a swap party is a fun and social way...
If you were to edit your life, what would you delete? Treehugger founder, Graham Hill has done just that. Spending years editing unnecessary items has led him to one simple conclusion: less stuff, less space = more happiness. Graham lays our three rules for editing your life: Edit Ruthlessly: let go...
Do we just have too much stuff? Watch George Carlin, a comic genius, talk about the importance of "Stuff" in our lives.
Need a little help getting organized? In our last post on de-cluttering, professional organizer and Swapsity member Jeremy Greer helped us shed some light on the psychology of clutter. Now Jeremy is back to share his top 10 tips for getting organized this spring! Tip #1: Instead of organizing...
It’s estimated that an average household has more than $2,000 worth of unwanted items. Imagine all that clutter! Whether it’s an impulsive purchase we can’t return or something we’ve outgrown, letting go of unwanted things can be tough. To figure out why de-cluttering is so difficult...
Spring is finally here and with it comes the perfect time of year to clear your home of clutter! It's the season to start anew by ridding your home of those things you never use. Spring cleaning may seem like a daunting task but if you divide your home into small areas and attack clutter little-by-little,...