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Swapsity Blog

De-clutter with a Swap Party!

Mar 4th 2012, 10:15, by Swapsity

A home is an unexplored treasure trove of things—spaces full of with clothes, books or outgrown toys. It may be a collection of stuff you no longer need but these items could be perfect for someone else. Give new life to your clutter with a swap party! Hosting a swap party is a fun and social way...

Clutter as Currency

Feb 29th 2012, 14:19, by Swapsity

By Shannon Simmons Stuff, stuff, stuff and more stuff! Is anyone else tuning into home decor shows for neat ways to hide and deal with their stuff? I know I am. We live in a consumer-based economy and it shows in our drawers, shelves and closets. If you’re anything like me, spring cleaning is...

Skill Swap Brings Repeated Rewards

Feb 12th 2012, 10:08, by Swapsity

As a busy entrepreneur named one of Toronto’s top personal trainers, Igor needed a way to relax and recharge. Enter Natalia, a foot reflexologist looking for help getting fit but unwilling to pay the expensive cost of a personal trainer. Now these two have joined forces, swapping physical fitness for...

After a break from his barter mission, Martin Provost is back in action and ready to make his eighth swap. Martin took some time off after his daughter Emma was born in September. Congratulations to Martin and his family on their new addition! Now he’s back in barter business and feeling very optimistic...

Less Stuff = More Happiness

Jan 28th 2012, 11:18, by Swapsity

If you were to edit your life, what would you delete? Treehugger founder, Graham Hill has done just that. Spending years editing unnecessary items has led him to one simple conclusion: less stuff, less space = more happiness. Graham lays our three rules for editing your life: Edit Ruthlessly: let go...

Think Outside the Barter Box!

Jan 24th 2012, 11:42, by Swapsity

By Shannon Simmons During my year living on barter, I learned that I have many more skills to swap than just what I do for a living—it was an important lesson. When I started bartering, I didn’t think outside the box about what I could offer people. I only offered up my financial advice...

George Carlin on "Stuff"

Jan 22nd 2012, 09:59, by Swapsity

Do we just have too much stuff? Watch George Carlin, a comic genius, talk about the importance of "Stuff" in our lives.

12 Reasons to Swap More in 2012

Jan 9th 2012, 12:44, by Swapsity

By Marta Nowinska Everybody loves a good swap! It benefits you, the community and the planet. Items, skills, services, knowledge and time are all barter-worthy. Here are 12 reasons to swap more in 2012: # 1 It makes you realize that you’re richer than you think! You have a wealth of knowledge, skills...

Best Swapsity Moments of 2011

Dec 31st 2011, 13:50, by Swapsity

By Marta Nowinska Marta Nowinska Swapsity Founder As the year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, supporters and the entire Swapsity team, for making 2011 a year to remember! It’s truly been a phenomenal and action-packed year for Swapsity. Let’s...

Changing Money Habits

Dec 30th 2011, 13:57, by Swapsity

By Shannon Simmons Save more. Spend less. Barter often. These are great financial goals for the New Year, but there’s a big problem – these goals are vague, and vague goals can be overwhelming. Many of us resolve to get our finances in order without any idea of what we will do to accomplish...

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