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Swapsity Blog

Somewhere between the coasts of California and Japan, amid the once pristine stretches of ocean, floats an ever-expanding gigantic mass. It’s estimated at double the size of the state of Texas, weighing 3.5 million tons and measuring 90 feet deep. It's The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, considered to...

With his sixth swap behind him, Martin Provost’s barter mission is in high gear. Not only did he get featured on his favourite blog, he’s just multiplied the value of his first swap by 100. To date, Martin has leapt from a $30 used camera to a $3,000 online store package. This seventh...

Can you live happily without money? What happens when money is taken out of the equation? That’s what more than a hundred eager viewers asked themselves at our Toronto screening of the documentary ‘Living Without Money’. Attendees turned up in high spirits last Thursday to find out...

A little creativity goes a long way when it comes to finding the perfect swap. Just ask Gerry, who recently completed his first Swapsity trade. On the hunt for an acoustic guitar, he reached out to Martin Provost in Ottawa before deciding on a local deal with fellow member Alana. She traded Gerry a...

Did you catch the Toronto premiere of “Living Without Money” last Thursday? The documentary tells the story of Heidemarie Schwermer, a German woman who has spent the last 14 years living without money, relying only on barter and the exchange of favours.  What began as a year-long experiment...

Swapsity member Martin Provost is making headlines across the country. His quest to swap his way from a camera to an eco-friendly sports car was featured today by Metro Ottawa and re-published on Yahoo News Canada. Martin’s mission is also generating buzz on Facebook and Twitter. Read...

Swapsity is teaming up with another man on a mission! Jay Peachy, a Vancouver-based artist, environmentalist and barter enthusiast, is swapping his way to an eco-friendly, sustainable home. Instead of racking up debt, Jay plans to barter for the materials and labour he needs to build his green sanctuary in...

The Great Barter Build

May 10th 2011, 00:15, by Swapsity

It’s inspiring to see so many Swapsity members carrying out their big dreams the barter way. First, we met Martin and learned about his incredible quest to swap his way to the green car of his dreams. Now we’re happy to introduce you to Jay Peachy, a Vancouver-based artist who is taking...

It’s official—Martin Provost has made his biggest barter yet! He met with Steve Beauchesne, co-founder of Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co., to make a trade that thrilled both beer enthusiasts. Steve got Martin’s electric guitar and Martin scored a 45-person VIP tour package...

Got something to swap? Love making videos? Why not put the two together for a chance to win a $100 gift card of your choice! Take a look at “The Barter Boys Episode 1: U of T” video created by our awesome volunteers, Bernie and Rishay. Bernie, Rishay and their friend Steve roamed the halls...

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