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Introducing...Our New Logo!

Aug 19th 2013, 14:37, by Swapsity

Ta-da! We couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to our fresh new Swapsity logo.

On July 26th we said goodbye to the old logo that served us since our first launch, and hello to a brand new one that debuted at the Live Green Toronto Festival swap meet. New Swapsity logoWe commissioned a talented Montreal-based designer to create it and she really poured her heart and soul into capturing the essence of our swapping community in a single graphic. The new logo embodies our friendly and fun personality along with everything we love about modern barter: greenness, sharing and connecting people.

What Swapsity means...
Want the scoop on what Swapsity really means? The name itself is assembled from all the 'swaps' our members do, combined with the suffix '-ity'. Just as the words amiability or frugality describe the state of being amiable or frugal, our name swapsity expresses the trait that our swappers possess. If you looked us up in the dictionary, you would see something like this:

Swapsity adjective [swɒpsɪ'ti]
Swapsity is characterized by the state or quality of sustaining the propensity to make smart swaps, bartering with gusto and swapping to the heart’s content.
Sentence usage:
Everyone at the Swap Zone was full of swapsity.
Canadian. Invented to ignite bartering. First known use, 2008.


Logo Explained...

Centrepiece: The centrepiece of our new logo is a big S, which naturally imitates the flow of the give-and-take action of swapping. The designer leveraged the “inherent quality of the form of the letter S in the logo, receiving from the bottom left and giving from the top right” to visually depict a swap transaction. The big S is also our new icon.

Swapsity icon

Letters: The letters represent a community of swappers. The font for Swapsity was custom designed with the idea of a playful, yet contemporary, look. The letters themselves are swapping, passing things between themselves and reaching out to help one another. If you look closely you may even notice that the green letter hands resemble the arms of our mascot, Swaptopus!

Colours: Colour-wise, the light green hints at the rebirth or revival of barter and the reinvention of modern transactions. Dark green reminds us that swapping plays a role in the recycling and redistributing items in order to help the environment.

We dig our new logo! What do you think? What do you see?


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