The holiday season with its many rich
family celebrations and the spirit of gift-giving is
upon us. It is
so easy to spend more than you anticipate or can afford
during the
holidays. For those of you who are carefully watching
your holiday
budgets and at the same time are keen on making
Christmas a little
greener, swapping offers a great alternative to
spending. As part
Swapsity's Green Gifting event, try trading your
talents, time or
things for gifts you need for your loved ones. Just
offer an item
or a skill in return for a holiday present of an equal
value. Swap
your web design skills for set of new video games or
offer a unique
collectible you are willing to part with in exchange
for a
different treasure that will make a great gift for your
member or a friend. If the item or skill you are
offering is a
great candidate for another swapper's Christmas list,
you can tag
your listing as a great gift idea. You will see a
little red gift
box appear next to your listing.
We invite you to choose from a variety of gifts posted by our swappers such as collectibles, video games, electronics, books and a wide selection of brand new or still-in-the-box items. Our skill selection can also offer very creative Christmas presents such as custom designed jewellery, personalized gift baskets, lessons or other useful skills and services. We hope you will find things that will make thoughtful gifts for your family and friends. Wishing you a happy, environmentally friendly and enjoyable holiday season.
Happy Christmas Swapping!