Once again, it's
that most
popular eco-time of the year! Earth Day is a reminder
that each of
us counts when it comes to protecting the natural gifts
of our
planet. Man cannot live without the natural world and
its enormous
wealth, yet we keep taking from the Earth and consuming
more than
we actually need. It's far from a fair trade. Let your
behaviours guide your eco-conscience. For us to have a
relationship with the environment, it takes a balance
of give and
take. Earth Day is a call-to-action to give back to our
Rather than contributing to its destruction, we must
take immediate
measures toward our planet's well-being.
We hope that April 22nd will inspire you to give back to the planet in your own way. Try taking one positive action to lessen your impact on the environment. Check out our suggested list of simple eco- ideas and show the Earth some TLC!
Start by picking at least one action that resonates with you and commit to doing it on April 22nd. Maybe you will get an urge to try it again a few days later and eventually turn it into a habit, making every day an Earth Day.
On that note, I'll leave you with a quote as well as a beautiful video reminding us of the bounty and richness of mother nature. Let's play our part in protecting it.
"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction." by Rachel Carso
djenkins6 wrote on Apr 22nd 2009, 03:56
If you must drive convert your diesel car or truck to run on waste vegetable oil. Don't have a diesel car, sell your gas guzzler or turn it in to car heaven and buy a used diesel on kijiji, then convert that.
gailm wrote on Apr 22nd 2009, 16:22
This year is the first for Earth Run, which is taking place in the US, Spain and Canada - it's the only green Earth Day run on the planet! You can run, walk or wheel (bikes and strollers are welcome) for your planet on Sunday April 26 in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa. Go here to register: http://www.earthrun.org/canada/index.html If you can't make it but still want to support the the David Suzuki Foundation, go here: http://www.active.com/donate/earthrun/LTanner4 David Suzuki is heading up his team in Vancouver. Come along!