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A Winner in Every Way

Aug 26th 2010, 22:51, by Swapsity

Kimberly may be a new member but she's so enthusiastic, swap-savvy and pro-active that we just had to share her story with you. She joined Swapsity a mere month ago and has already won the Multi-Post Giveaway, attended a Swapsity workshop on de-cluttering and completed a few swaps! Kimberly is currently downsizing from a house to a new condo and is letting go of some excess things. Check it all out on her profile.

So far, this savvy swapper has bartered three books on spirituality for a ticket to a de-cluttering workshop with a professional organizer, which she found especially inspirational and informative for her move to a smaller space. She also offered up a selection of books, clothes and jewellery in exchange for a professional astrological consultation that she reports was an enjoyable experience for her inner curiosity. To top it off, swapping allowed her to experience a 90 minute Thai massage session that took place on her own back deck. For Kimberly, professional massage is a luxury she wouldn't normally splurge on but since it only cost her 65 children's books that she no longer had use for, it was a very affordable treat.

Her refreshing insight on barter has certainly helped her have a successful start on Swapsity. Kimberly says, "It has been very community-building, because bartering builds connections between people in a way that a transaction in a store often does not. I have made some new friends and met interesting people in the process." Kimberly also likes how swapping keeps her life green in a fun way. "It just seems a lot less wasteful when things that you are not using can be swapped with someone who has a use for it," she says. "And it's a lot more fun than some other methods of getting rid of unused items!"

Every time we write a feature on an exceptional swapper, we ask them if they have any tips for other swappers and Kimberly answered by shedding some much needed light on her swapping philosophy. "It's much more satisfying to find the 'right' home for things that you may have once used and loved, but no longer need and there is something about bartering that puts a sense of warmth and humanity back into transactions that can seem colder and more distant when there is money changing hands. It's also kind of exciting, because there is so much opportunity for the unexpected, which means that it could easily turn out to be way better than you thought it would." We couldn't agree more!

What is Kimberly looking to swap next? She told us about a bright red ceremonial officer's jacket that's served her well as a costume in the past. Sounds to us like the perfect item to snatch up in time for Halloween!


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