Detailed cleaning for homes/condo
Housekeeping services
Bathrooms thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned
Kitchen floors washed, appliances cleaned, cuboards wiped, counters cleaned, dishes/sink washed
Fridge cleaned and reorganized
Bedrooms Bed linenes washed/replaced
Floors Washed / Baseboards
Appliances wiped and dusted/polished
Tidying and organizing
Laundry - Washed/dried/folded and property put away
Meal prep - Basic meal prep and cooking, serving meals, cutting and washing veggies. (can follow recipe)
Errands - Grocery errands (walking distance) Dry cleaning errands, item shopping.
Yard work - Cleaning up, weeding
Car cleaning - Detailed interior/exterior.
If you don't have anything to barter, I am still willing to work out an affordable rate. Or if you refer a friend.
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