Swapsity is teaming up with another man on a mission!
Jay Peachy, a Vancouver-based artist, environmentalist and barter enthusiast, is swapping his way to an eco-friendly, sustainable home. Instead of racking up debt, Jay plans to barter for the materials and labour he needs to build his green sanctuary in Anmore, British Columbia. His quest will be captured on film by an award-winning writer, director and producer Eva Wunderman.
JP, a barter veteran, knows swapping is an affordable way to collaborate and consume less while being sustainable and creative. His initiative exemplifies those qualities and brings them together in one inspiring quest.
To help him accomplish his goal, JP is using Swapsity to connect with other swap savvy Canadians in Vancouver and across the country. Swapsity has created a swap portal for JP, where you can find the talents he has up for swap—from video production and stand-up comedy to artwork, marketing consulting and much more—and track his progress. Lend support by leaving a comment or liking him on Facebook. Better yet, make him a swap offer and help him reach his green dream!
To find out more about JP and his swap quest, read our member feature and don’t forget to follow his adventure on Swapsity!
Alex wrote on Apr 4th 2013, 21:48
This is a fantastic idea - and a reflection of what our business is all about. The trading and swapping of used and second hand building materials to help save money AND the environment at the same time. Who can argue with that?!
Alex wrote on Apr 4th 2013, 21:50
great idea - check out how Australians are embracing recycled building materials