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The Great Barter Build: Anmore Sustainable Home Project

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Jay Peachy, a self-proclaimed "bartermaniac", is embarking on an amazing barter build. An environmentalist and artist with a diverse swap portfolio, he is building himself an eco-friendly home with as much reclaimed and traded materials as possible. JP is focused on building an inclusive, creative and sustainable green sanctuary. Make him a swap offer and become a part of his eco-quest.

  • Meet JP
  • Read an Interview with JP
  • Trade with JP
  • Questions?
  • Is JP open to trading with anyone in Canada?
    Yes! JP is open to trades from all across Canada. You can even contact him via Skype or phone to discuss trades.

    Is JP interested in all trade offers?
    JP is mostly interested goods or services that can contribute to his home building project, such as construction labour, green building materials, eco-lighting and interior design.

  • Email JP

JP is offering:

Video Production and Editing

Private Facepainting Party

Arts Event Production

Face painting

Marketing, Media and Creative Consulting

Live Painting

Quest Status

 An Artful Endeavor blogs about the artful spirit behind Jay Peachy's grand project
 ArtsConnect gives Jay Peachy a shout-out on their blog
 The Tri-City News features JP's ambitious barter project
 Swapsity interviews Jay Peachy to learn more about his quest to build an eco-home.



Patricia Marlatt wrote on 2012-06-03 02:32:05

Hi I own lot 66 at countryside village in Anmore , just put it up for sale but would love to have had you as a neighbour, Iam also an artist with a studio at rocky point with 10 other artists and had a verry similar experience as you have had I haveto agree the ride in the cruiser is verry humbling, I would love to meet you and compare notes on simar experiences although Iam not as open as you are maybe its time to share and hopefully help someone else in the process. My art is my therepy along with nature without those two elements I not shure where I would be. We are very lucky to have these gifts, just need to figure out how to share it more. Take care and I am shure we will meet everything happens for a reason

Nicole wrote on 2011-06-02 15:03:55

Same place as last time?

jpeachygallery wrote on 2011-05-30 15:32:14

Nicole, where do suggest this trade happen?

Nicole wrote on 2011-05-30 11:56:40

I'd like to trade an hour of my time for an hour of yours on a rainy day so we can drink hot tea together. :)

jpeachygallery wrote on 2011-05-12 12:29:19

Hi Linda, Thanks so much for the kind words. I would love to trade with you, I have some ideas, please message me. jp

Linda wrote on 2011-05-12 03:31:10

Hello Jay Peachy, I've just read about you on SwapSity and must tell you how much I admire you and your determination. That is the main reason for this email. I do not have much to offer you, except I do know that you would need sustenance in your endeavours. I make great healthy muffins and would gladly swap them for a lesson or two in art. I now this is impossible, as you must be a very busy person, but, no harm in wishing. I am an extreme amateur and just learning the basics but love it dearly. I struggle. Good Luck to you sir on your project. I wish you the very best. Sincerely Linda

Swapsity wrote on 2011-05-11 21:43:05

What an awesome adventure! It truly shows what amazing things we can do with a little creativity, initiative, collaboration and, of course, barter. We can’t wait to see you in your eco-friendly home JP!

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